A new Volunteering Project is starting in Abergavenny…Come and join in a historical wargame and see if you can help decide the fate of Abergavenny in the Middle Ages!
Sir George Neville of Birling, Lord Abergavenny, was a supporter of the house of York and sided with King Richard III (of car park fame), who was defeated and killed at Bosworth in 1485 by Henry Tudor of the House of Lancaster, The future Henry VII…
The purpose of the wargames group, based on a self-help, friendship model, is to help anyone with mental health problems, a disability or is feeling isolated or lonely, who are able and interested, to develop a hobby in historical war gaming, or would like to bring along a game or hobby of their own. There are a wide collection of models, terrain and rules available to fight battles from Ancient times to World War 2. The hobby can be very constructive and also involves research, painting and modelling, or you can just join in and roll some dice and move toy soldiers around!
Some people have found it a great occupational therapy, and it is hoped that others can benefit as well. It’s open to males and females of any age and is fully inclusive. The emphasis is on fun, being supportive, friendly and having a good time above all else.
Come along for a tea or coffee and find out more!
Date: Wednesday 13th January 2016
Venue: Mind Monmouthshire Offices 45b Cross Street, Abergavenny NP7 5ER (the lane next to Tythe Barn that leads to the bus station).
For more information please contact Jill on 07950 889415 or jillian.cole@mindmonmouthshire.org.uk alternatively; contact Mark on mark.emms@hotmail.com