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We hear a great deal about sustainability, but food security and business viability are important too. Through ‘Levelling Up’, Powys County Council have funded training for anyone who lives or works in Powys to learn new skills to help the county to embrace the latest thinking around production and sustainability. The courses, which are delivered online by IBERS Distance Learning at Aberystwyth University, focus on integrating digital technologies with circular economy principles as a key to achieving long-term environmental and economic goals.

So, if you live or work in Powys, why not check out what’s on offer:

  • Free consultation to identify a training package tailored to your needs
  • Free access to our modules and workshops for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or towards postgraduate qualifications (September2024 only)
  • Free support in developing a Green Digital Transformation Strategy for your business, if applicable

Our courses cover a wide range of topics, from Behaviour Change to Agri-Tech Advances, Livestock to Horticulture, Food Innovation to Life Cycle Assessment.

Here’s what one of our CPD students had to say after completing her short course:

“Previously, I understood the ‘what’ but not so much the ‘why’ and especially the ‘how can we find this out’…

One of our postgraduate students had this to say about the Horticulture module:

“It has been a complete eye-opener and fascinating…. Thank you for helping me discover the potential for a career change.”

Another of our students taking both CPD and a Post Graduate module said:

This has been the most useful thing I’ve done in years! The courses have really helped me gain new knowledge, and consolidate what I already know”.

The courses are delivered completely on-line and are designed to fit around your work and family commitments.  Whether you aim to make your business more sustainable, advance your career, or work towards a qualification, don’t delay – get in touch today!

Contact us:

01970 823224


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