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Next time you visit Abergavenny Market Hall pause for a few minutes in the foyer at the entrance from Cross Street and take a look at the First World War memorial sited there.
The 3rd Mons memorial, Frogmore Street.

The 3rd Mons memorial, Frogmore Street.

The list of names inscribed on the board is so long it’s estimated that it would take school children half-an-hour to recite each in turn – such was the huge impact on our small town and surrounding villages.

The sacrifice of those who died will be remembered during the centenary commemorations starting this summer and an appeal has gone out for war memorabilia such as photographs, medals, letters and diaries for an exhibition.

The Abergavenny War Memorial board at the entrance to the Market Hall.

The Abergavenny War Memorial board at the entrance to the Market Hall.

If there are enough photographs, the images could be projected onto buildings so the faces behind the inscribed names could once again be seen in their home town.
Societies and groups are being invited to give their support by organising research projects or staging events such as talks, visits, plays and concerts, and grant funding via a number of sources could be available. Schools will be invited to take part to help them understand the scale of the war.

A co-ordinating committee has been set up for the four-year programme by Abergavenny Town Council with the Vicar of Abergavenny, Rev Mark Soady, and representatives from Monmouthshire’s museum service; the Royal British Legion, Abergavenny Local History Society, the Western Front Association’s Gwent branch and Vintage Vision.

Significant dates for Abergavenny include May 2015, the anniversary of the 2nd Battle of Ypres when the 3rd Battalion the Monmouthshire Regiment suffered heavy casualties; the 3rd Mons were formed with recruits not only from Abergavenny but from surrounding towns.

This year’s Armed Forces’ Day parade through the town centre will take place on June 28th which marks the start of the war.  After the parade there will be a service at St Mary’s Priory Church.

Gwent Bach Society has a concert on Saturday, November 8th at St Mary’s.

In May, noted historian Frank Olding will talk to the history society about the war’s impact on Abergavenny. Next year he will produce a booklet on the 2nd battle of Ypres.

Events will be listed on the town council’s website.

For further details please contact Mr Peter Johns, the Town Clerk, telephone 01873 735820 (mornings) or e-mail

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