Monmouthshire County Council is looking for 200 people who are passionate about Monmouthshire to train as local experts and help our visitors have the best possible experience in the area.
Tourism is worth more than £158M to Monmouthshire’s economy each year, providing nearly 3000 jobs. We need you to help us grow tourism and spread the benefits more widely across the county by encouraging visitors to explore the county’s less well known attractions, and by helping to ensure that every visitor has a positive experience of the area when they come. This will not only encourage more visitors to want to come back to Monmouthshire but also to recommend the county to their friends and relatives.
We all know that Monmouthshire is a beautiful place with great food & drink, and a wide range of things to do and see. However, our visitors may often end up visiting only our better known attractions like Tintern Abbey and Raglan Castle when they come. They may never get to know about our less well known attractions or experiences and may therefore never get the very best from their visit.
The Monmouthshire Ambassador programme will create 200 ‘Local Experts’ – people who can recommend to visitors those extra special places or experiences that make this area unique, and which could help make their visit more memorable. We are looking for people who love Monmouthshire, who want to share their knowledge and passion with visitors from far and wide, and those who have an opportunity to chat to visitors. The course will ensure that together we highlight the very best that Monmouthshire has to offer and we’ll develop tips and opportunities for encouraging people to explore more – ideally spending more time in the area, spending more money and contributing more to a vibrant tourism economy.
Book onto one of these free courses and make sure that our visitors get to know about all of Monmouthshire’s highlights! The super keen can even go for an accredited qualification or attend themed networking events. Courses are free, are no more than a day long (usually day time) and include refreshments – locally sourced of course!
Courses, Venues & Dates
Shire Hall ‐ March 12th
Chepstow Castle Inn – March 26th
Venue tbc– April 2nd
Usk / Raglan
Usk Rural Life Museum – April 9th
Llanfoist Village Hall – May 16th
Caldicot Castle ‐ June (date tbc)
Hilston Park Outdoor Education Centre –June 4th
Venue tbc – June 11th
The Barn, Caerwent – July 2nd
White Castle Vineyard – July 9th
Please note that some of the dates and venues are to be confirmed, but you can still register your interest. To book / register your interest please contact or call Ruth on 07862 218066