Arts Alive Wales in Crickhowell have just launched their new summer arts project for creative young people.
PORTFOLIO (11-15 years) & PORTFOLIO+Plus (15-19 years) is a visual arts project for teenagers with a special interest and talent in art and design. The project develops the skills, knowledge and confidence of young people and encourages creative careers. PORTFOLIO introduces professional artists, makers and designers through a course of inspirational workshops, exploring different approaches to art.
Workshops for the younger age group run on Saturdays, 10am-4pm at the Arts Alive Wales studio on Brecon Road, Crickhowell. Artist Tessa Waite hosted the first session on 21st May with an experimental drawing and printmaking workshop. Participants can look forward to an exhibition trip to Bristol on 11th June, a collage and photography workshop on 25th June and an outdoor sculpture workshop on 9th July. The price is £25 per pupil for the whole course.
The older age group will experience an intensive, high-energy week of art and craft workshops, artist studio visits and gallery and art college visits between Monday 18th – Saturday 23rd July. The price is £35 per pupil for the whole course.
Kieran, aged 18, living near Brecon took part in the project last year and is now studying at Hereford College of Art. “It’s great being around creative people, it always sparks new ideas. The project helped me see that people can do art as a career and enjoy it.”
The arts and creative industries contribute £84 billion to the UK economy each year and 1 in 11 jobs in the UK are within the creative industries.* PORTFOLIO will offer young people a valuable insight into what it’s really like to work in the arts sector. The project is commissioned by the Arts Council of Wales and Powys Council.
PORTFOLIO places are limited. To register for a place contact Rebecca Spooner, Arts Development Manager as soon as possible, email: or tel: 01873 811579. Visit the Arts Alive Wales website for more information:
Arts Alive Wales