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Abergavenny & District Soroptimists have local, national and  international projects helping to improve the lives of women and girls with the three objectives of education, empowerment and enablement.

An Indian girl is the most recent benefiary of the Soroptimists’ individual education scheme

An Indian girl is the most recent benefiary of the Soroptimists’
individual education scheme

Locally we currently support the food bank and Women’s Aid.

Last year we asked businesses in Abergavenny & Crickhowell to arrange specially coloured window displays over three separate weeks. Pink for Breast Cancer, purple for Ovarian Cancer and red for Endometriosis. Photographs crediting each shop were on show, for a month, in the council display window in High Cross.  A ‘Murder Mystery’ evening with supper raised over £1000 for Endometriosis research.

Nationally all seventeen clubs in the South Wales region of Soroptimist International have been campaigning against trafficking and slavery in partnership with the police and Welsh Assembly. Our work has been acknowledged by both.

Internationally we pack school bags for Mary’s Meals. The clothes and stationary enable African children to go to school.  For many years we have sponsored individual children’s education, the most recent being a girl in India.

Did you know that 2.5 billion people don’t have access to a loo?  We are committed to  raising awareness of Toilet Twinning which enables people in poor countries to learn about hygiene and to build a basic toilet. We have already funded five toilets, some in Nepal.

But it’s not all serious stuff. We have a diverse range of speakers and arrange enjoyable social and fundraising activities.

We’d love to hear from women who share our ideas and passions. Contact or come to our evening in May when you can see displays of our projects and talk to us.

Ann Payne

Please support our local businesses

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