If you’re reading this in the Crickhowell area, you’re very lucky. The lovely and talented Rebecca Loncraine offers a range of Creative Writing classes in the area. This article is really aimed at those of you in and around Brecon.
Book clubs are wonderful. It’s great to be able to discuss a brilliant book with friends. Write Club, though, is at the other end of the literary spectrum. It’s a weekly riot of insane discussions and ideas, and hilarity, oh, and writing, which takes place under the auspices of the TakepART initiative.
TakepART is an art community art workshop which offers subsidised classes and access to a very high standard of professional tuition at low prices (£5 for a 2-3 hour session). Its aim is to make art accessible to everyone. You can take classes in jewellery, small metal working, pottery, stone carving, painting and, of course, creative writing. There are classes for kids and regular exhibitions.
My Creative Writing classes started last year as a trial. The projected 6 week course ran for the rest of the year, culminating in the publication of a book of the best of our authors’ stories and poems. Guest speakers included BBC Producer/Director Gareth Davies and Francesca Kay, a wonderful poet who got us all writing Haiku in the blink of an eye.
Come along and give it a try…the first rule of Write Club is that you talk about it!
TakepART Brecon 07970 042493 or takepart1@yahoo.com
Adele Nozedar’s Write Club
TakepART H.Q, Brecon, Tuesdays from 10th March, 6pm-8pm