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Thinking about heading out for a walk? If so, Monmouthshire officers have a warning for you…’Lock your vehicles and hide valuables!’


This simple message is being given following recent thefts from vehicles at local beauty spots including the Sugar Loaf car park. Since last summer, 8 incidents have taken place.

Items stolen include walking and climbing gear, clothing, backpacks and shoes.

Officers are urging all residents to make sure that they remove any valuables from view. Detective Inspector Andrew Tuck explained, ‘We are reminding everyone to make sure they move any valuables from view in their cars, especially in remote beauty spots like the Sugar Loaf.’

‘Although the incident numbers are quite low, the thefts are sporadic and we can see up to 3 or 4 thefts in one day. Criminals know that people will be leaving their cars for a number of hours to go walking and the car parks on times can be quiet.

‘Valuables on view make it easy for thieves and they can see exactly which cars to target. Always take valuables with you if you can, or hide them from view in your boot. Always lock your car and check again before you set off on your walk. Don’t risk losing your valuables or an expensive smashed window!’

Officers are available to give crime prevention advice if needed to any resident. To speak to your local Neighbourhood Team, visit our website for all contact details:

Gwent Police

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