A social media campaign to encourage dog owners in Powys to clean up after their dogs is now underway.
Twitter users are being encouraged by Powys County Council to tweet a picture of their pet using the hashtag #allcleanedup.
Cllr John Powell, Cabinet Member for Environmental Protection, said: “We all know that there are people out there who don’t clean up after their pets but equally there are many people who do and we’ve started this campaign to celebrate them and their pets and to bring to account those members of the public who flout the rules.
“It also gets people talking about the problem. Hopefully we’ll see fewer people in the future being irresponsible and not cleaning up.”
He added that the council will also take action against irresponsible dog owners. Only last month a dog owner in Foel was given a £75 fixed penalty notice by the council’s Environmental Health team after a member of the public reported the incident.
With the information that the member of the public provided, the council issued the fixed penalty notice.
Now residents and local businesses are being urged to continue reporting incidents of dog fouling that takes place on designated land to the council so that it can investigate.
“We understand the impact dog fouling has on our communities and we are determined to tackle this issue. However, we can’t do this alone and our residents and local businesses can play a vital role in helping combat this in Powys,” said Cllr Powell.
“The majority of dog owners are responsible but there is a minority who let their communities down by failing to clear up after their dogs.
“If you are out walking your dog, always carry a plastic bag to pick up the mess as soon as your dog has fouled and place it in the nearest dog waste or litter bin or dispose of it at home.”
If you would like to report a dog fouling incident or advise us of a particular problem in your area then email:
tls.helpdesk@powys.gov.uk or telephone 0845 602 7035 or 01597 827465.