A few top safety tips from Police this Christmas
Sergeant Craig Morgan said, “The Crickhowell and Usk Valley area is a safe place with low crime, but during the festive celebrations it can be easy to forget to take the sensible precautions we usually take.
So we’ve drawn up some advice on a range of practical measures you can take to minimise the risk of becoming a victim of crime this Christmas.”
Personal Safety
- Stay close to friends, avoid being separated from them
- Plan your evening in advance
- Tell someone where you plan to go and make sure someone knows where you are
- Book a taxi with a reputable firm. Don’t walk home
- Don’t accept lifts from people you don’t know
- Make sure you have enough money to get home
- Make sure your mobile phone is sufficiently charged
- Wear appropriate clothing
- Drink alcohol in moderation – don’t binge drink
Safe Shopping Advice
- Keep an eye on your bag and your wallet when out shopping
- Keep your purse or wallet somewhere close to your body where you can feel it
- When you take your shopping to your car put it out of sight, don’t leave it on the car seats
- When you are taking money from a cash point protect your PIN and put the money away quickly and securely. Be vigilant
Home Security
- Make sure all doors, garages, etc are locked and secure when leaving a property unattended
- Make sure that Christmas presents are not on show and visible through windows
- Do not leave cars unlocked when unattended or leave valuables on show. Always keep items securely locked in the boot of your car
- Try and park in well-lit areas and avoid isolated or dimly lit areas
Sergeant Morgan added “You can expect to see your local officers out and about on the streets across the area. Officers will be increasing their patrols as a deterrent against anti-social behaviour and to offer reassurance. We want people to enjoy themselves safely and lawfully at this time of year.”
For more top crime prevention tips this Christmas visit our website www.dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk or follow us on twitter @DyfedPowys