With temperatures dropping as winter takes hold, Dyfed Powys Police are reminding residents of a few simple steps to take to protect your fuel supplies.
Fuel thieves will be out there looking to steal supplies whether for their own use or to sell on. Heating oil, diesel and gas are sought after commodities that can lead to increases in theft.
- “Homeowners can take a few simple steps to prevent being a victim of theft,” said Sergeant Craig Morgan. “Taking these measures will help make life more difficult for would-be-thieves and also ensures your tank stays topped-up.
- Be aware of your oil levels and check frequently.
- Where possible keep your levels low and the same when refilling.
- Speak to your supplier with regards to a more frequent but smaller delivery
- If you have a plastic tank, consider erecting fencing around the tank with one end hinged and locked for filling purposes. The fencing should be fixed to solid posts and should be set off the tank aprox 12 inches on all sides. The same should be fixed to the top as well.
- If you have a steel tank, then fit a quality anti-cut close-shackled padlock.
- If you have outside security lighting, then please ensure that the system works and that the light sensors have been adjusted correctly to detect movement.
If you witness a suspicious incident that you think may be of interest to Police, please report incidents as soon as they occur on 101 or in an emergency 999. For further advice on crime prevention advice, please contact your local neighbourhood Policing Team on 101
Contribution from Dyfed Powys Police