How your plants can help keep thieves out!
We regularly give advice to residents about how to deter burglars, but have you ever thought how your garden and the plants you grow can help keep thieves at bay?
Most burglars are lazy. They look for easy ways of getting into a house or garden and by taking a few simple precautions you can reduce the risk of being burgled and make your house and garden more secure.
One of the best ways to keep thieves out is to use nature’s own defenses to stop intruders.
Here are some suggestions for plants you can use in your garden to keep thieves out!
- Common Holly – Large evergreen shrub, dark green spiked leaves. Large red berries – perfect at Christmas to make your garden look festive but also all year round to give thieves a prickly surprise.
- Berberis – A lower level, very dense bush which can provide your garden with a rich colour. Very thorny stem and it’s hardy and easy to grow.
- Hawthorn – Has lots of small glossy leaves and beautiful flowers in pink, white or red. Sharp thorns are hidden beneath the leaves which would stop anyone getting too close. Its dense growth makes it suitable for hedges. Just a word of warning – hedges and shrubs in the front garden should be kept to a height of no more than three feet in order to avoid giving a burglar a screen behind which they can conceal themselves.
- Pyracantha – Prickly stems which can be trained to grow up a wall or fence with trellis creating a thorny barrier. Lots of berries so adds colour to a garden. Pretty and protective!
- Wind chimes – These are not only garden ornaments, if hung on a fence or gate, the chimes can alert you to the fact that someone may be where they shouldn’t…except on a windy day when they might not be so effective!
- Gravel – If you have paths, consider using gravel. Thieves would struggle not to make a noise walking on it.
Although some of the plants will take some time to grow, the end result justifies the effort. They should deter even the most determined burglar.
If you would like any further crime prevention tips, please contact your local Neighbourhood Team – all details can be found by visiting our website
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