Cloud Computing is a popular buzzword which refers to use of software that is ‘hosted’ by a service provider and ‘rented’ to users, who use the software through the internet.
It sounds complicated but you likely use ‘cloud’ services everyday: Hotmail/Gmail, Amazon, PayPal, eBay, Facebook, Twitter… All are ‘cloud services’.
Many companies now in fact provide a range of cloud software for business use too; for example, ‘ZOHO’ (Small Office, Home Office) provides over 25 business tools covering sales management, business websites and email, project management and document management.
With no hardware or software to worry about at your end, Cloud service providers manage everything: hardware, software, security, storage space, backup and disaster recovery procedures. Businesses just pay to use it.
Cloud Computing is Collaborative Computing
Consider this scenario: a typical, small sales operation may make use of Word files, Excel sheets, Outlook tasks, Outlook calendar, emails sent from Outlook/webmail, even Post It stickers with to-do lists!
But what happens when you want to expand? How do other sales people share information, especially if they are in different locations? How do you access documents and data from outside the office? How do you record outcomes of multiple sales calls and meetings? How do you consolidate all of this fragmented data into meaningful reports?
One answer would be to use a cloud based ‘CRM’ (Customer Relationship Management) system. This allows multiple people to access one set of ‘real time’ data, using laptops/PCs or mobile devices, via the internet. One set of data means less confusion and more efficiency. Also, Cloud based business software can be customized to match any kind of business.
Cloud computing is growing rapidly and forward thinking businesses are seeing cloud computing as a strategic business decision to improve collaboration, reporting accuracy and business efficiency.
Work smart. Work online!
Andrew Wallace, based in Abergavenny , is the founder of Mangoho which aims to assist local Welsh businesses discover affordable cloud business solutions. Contact or telephone 0753 878 1619 for more information.