On Saturday 12th October 2013, dancers from Mayzmusik Performing Arts Academy will be dancing in Red Square for a marathon five hours to raise money for The Miscarriage Association & Save The Children.
The event, which the dancers are calling a Sponsored ExtravaDance, is part of a nationwide Ultimate Danceathon where over 15,000 dancers all over the UK will be participating in a similar event to raise money for Save The Children & other worthy causes.
Lisa-Marie Williams, dance teacher at Mayzmusik said “The devastation of a failed pregnancy touches so many families. The Miscarriage Association provides support for families who have suffered this loss. We have done smaller fundraisers for the charity before, but my dancers wanted to do something on a much larger scale. The ultimate Danceathon gave us the perfect opportunity to raise money for this wonderful charity, along with the nominated charity of Save The Children.”
“Every year, 6.9 million children under five die from easily preventable causes like pneumonia and diarrhoea. Save the Children is working to stop this happening and to ensure more children live to celebrate their fifth birthday and beyond, no matter where they live.”
You can pledge your support to the event using a credit or debit card by visiting www.virginmoneygiving.com/MayzmusikPAA or you can drop some cash into the collecting buckets on Saturday 12th October while the dancers are pirouetting through town.