‘Hearing Loops matter’, says local man David Walters – People with hearing aids and cochlear implants in Abergavenny are being encouraged to attend an international conference focusing on emerging hearing loop technology.

David Walters, Hearing Link volunteer.
The UK hearing loss charity, Hearing Link, is hosting the 3rd International Hearing Loop Conference – ‘Hearing Loops for All’ in the seaside town of Eastbourne, East Sussex, from 6th-7th October 2013.
The event is a one-off opportunity for people with hearing aids and cochlear implants, those with an interest in hearing loop technology and audiology professionals to find out more about hearing loops and how they can encourage them to become more widely available in their local communities.
Delegates can also take part in interesting presentations from top international experts, connect with others with similar experiences through interesting workshops and access up-to-date information about hearing loss and associated technology from key exhibitors.
David Walters, Hearing Link volunteer from Abergavenny, Wales, said: “I am so pleased that this event has come to the UK. There is still too little understanding about hearing loops and the difference they can make to people’s lives. It can be very hard when you go to a customer service desk, a theatre performance or some other venue and can’t access a loop facility. Those of us who can potentially benefit from hearing loops should perhaps do more to let service providers know we need them, so I’m pleased that Hearing Link is bringing this issue into the limelight.
“I am sure lots of people will be keen to attend this event which is unlikely to be held in the UK again for many years. It will let them know what’s available and what is potentially available to them. Hearing Link helped make me smile and be happy once again, with the assistance of a cochlear implant. Never be nervous when dealing with Hearing Link as with their help and assistance, I’m back in this world again.”
Hearing Link is the UK charity for people living with hearing loss, their family and friends. It will also its annual conference ‘Travel, Leisure and Accessible Tourism’ on Saturday 5th October, in Eastbourne.
Tickets for both events are available to book online through event booking partner, The Ear Foundation, at www.hearinglink.org/loopconference .
For further information about Hearing Link and its services call Tel/Text 0300 111 1113; SMS: 07526 123255 or email enquiries@hearinglink.org . Visit our website at www.hearinglink.org