Cylch Meithrin Y Fenni, the only Welsh medium pre-school setting in Abergavenny, is to hold two open days on Monday 21st May and Thursday 31st May between the hours of 10-11.30 and 1- 2.30.
If you are considering a nursery place for your child from September 2012, then this is a great opportunity for parents to come in and meet the staff, committee members and see the sessions as they are run. We accept admissions from children aged between 2 and 5 years and are part of the Flying Start Scheme as well as an approved Monmouthshire Early Years setting. The morning sessions are for the younger children and the afternoon sessions for the pre schoolers.
We will be holding some craft activities for the children and there will also be a chance to go over to Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni to look around the school and meet the staff.
For more information on our nursery please visit our fantastic newly launched website at You can also find us on Facebook by visiting and our hashtag on twitter is #meithrinyfenni.
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