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Usk River Festival

On June 1st Save the River Usk is holding the very first Usk River Festival! It will be a celebration of the Usk and the communities that live and work alongside this beautiful and endangered river. The day will start at 10am on Usk Island with a procession around the town at 11am and the fun will continue back on Usk Island until 3pm.

The festival will be a community day to celebrate the importance of the Usk, introduce people to new things and bring awareness of the river and its wonderful wildlife.

The groups, workshops and events include ecology and environmental groups including Gwent Wildlife Trust, the Swifts of Usk and Usk Together for Climate, water sampling, kick-tests and water safety; music from the Usk Singers, a samba band workshop and other groups; a poetry and storytelling corner, eco wood workshop for adults and children, a 20foot high river puppet, local artists, fly fishing and fly-tying demonstrations.

Come along to enjoy the stalls and workshops and take part in the procession through the town. Fancy dress is encouraged!

More details can be found on the Save the River Usk website


01 Jun 2024


Procession around the town at 11am
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

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Usk Island
NP15 1SZ


Save the River Usk
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