Llanfoist Village Hall Quiz Night with Fish & Chips
Tickets £10 to include The Codfather fish and chip supper, on sale until Monday 24th February.
To reserve tickets:
Please email: info@llanfoistvillagehall.co.uk, giving your name and number of tickets required. We will reply with our bank details to pay by bank transfer (please use the same surname as a reference) and explain how to get the tickets.
Payment by cash or cheque made out to Llanfoist Village Hall given to a committee member, posted at LLanfoist Village hall with the name contact number and address clearly marked on the envelope by Monday 24th February.
Payment must be received in exchange for your tickets before Monday 24th February.
Tickets also available to buy 13th February at the Village Hall Film Night
We’re sorry but payment cannot be accepted on the night as food needs to be ordered in advance. Max of 6 per table, 9 tables available, secure your ticket early advisable. Tickets non-refundable.

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