Cigar Box Guitar Workshop
Cigar Box Guitar Workshop
With Howlin’ Mat
Saturday 9th November, 1 -3pm
11 – 19 years
Held at Melville Centre for the Arts, Abergavenny.
Ever wanted to make and own your own guitar? Now is your chance! This workshop introduces you to the Cigar Box Cigar and guides you through making your very own.
The workshop is hosted by blues guitar maestro Howlin’ Mat, a nomadic solo blues artist who has played 1000’s of gigs from The Sahara to the North Pole. His playing has received credits from legendary artists such as John Paul Jones [Led Zeppelin] and Mud Morganfield [son of Muddy Waters].
He was introduced to the Cigar Box Guitar very early on in his playing career and fell in love instantly. As with every devotee of the CBG, it wasn’t long before he started to make his own cigar box guitar and coming from a teaching background, this naturally led to the cigar box guitar workshops.
For more details about Mat see
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