Berlioz – Beatrice and Benedict
(based onShakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing)
Sung and spoken in English
Beatrice andBenedict are both determined to stay single. Beatrice is a woman who despisesmen (especially Benedict) and Benedict can’t abide women (particularlyBeatrice). That is until their friends plot to bring them together and theyboth ‘accidentally’ overhear whispers of each other’s unrequited passion; thespark of love is ignited by gossip and quickly becomes a blazing wildfire.
Ticket Pricing:
Tickets: £18.00
Pension credits: £15.00
Disabled: £15.00
Student: £8.00
Child: £8.00
Unwaged: £15.00
Pension credits: £15.00
Disabled: £15.00
Student: £8.00
Child: £8.00
Unwaged: £15.00

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