Abergavenny Writing Festival 22
The Abergavenny Writing Festival is due to take place – in real life! – this year from the 7th to the 9th April. On Thursday and Friday events will take place at the Kings Arms Hotel and on Saturday at the Melville Centre for the Arts. Pop-up events will be held at other venues in Aberagvenny including the Library and the Wool Croft.
The three days will be brimming with talks, workshops, discussion and performances based on the theme of ‘Writing to transform’: How can writing help transform us? How can you transform your writing? How can writing transform our world?
There will be events for young people including a session for 8 to 12 year olds creatives with bilingual poet clare e. potter. Natalie Jerome will give a talk at Abergavenny Library about her love of books and reading and her connection with the local library which played a big role in transporting her to a career as a top commissioning editor, Publisher and now Literary agent.
Liz Aiken and Cath Barton will offer an introductory workshop to flash fiction. Nicola Davies will talk about the inspiration behind some of the poems featured in her book ‘This is How the Change Begins,’ along with her own writing process.
Welsh language writer Medi Jones-Jackson will be reading from her book ‘Genod Gwych a Merched Medrus’ followed by a drawing activity and Q&A with the author.
Liz Pearce will facilitate a session ‘Finding your own voice’ a creative workshop for those who identify as female. And Graham Hartill will run a workshop for those who identify as male, the aim of which is to come together to celebrate everyone’s experiences in an atmosphere of creativity and support.
There will be a discussion facilitated by Phil Madden on writing and covid; posing such questions as “Has Covid changed how we write, what we write about and how we collaborate with other art forms? And “Does writing have a responsibility to bear witness and ensure we remember?”
And for something more hands on Bob Walton and Jan Thomas will be running a workshop at The Wool Croft called “Text and Textiles” with the opportunity to have a go at stitching or writing your words on textile material.
The event is support by Arts Council Wales, National Lottery Funding, Abergavenny Town Council, Abergavenny Rotary Club and Christie Residential.
For details of all events visit www.abergavennywritingfestival.com
Lucie Parkin

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