Here at the Focus, we believe in Positive News! We understand that the world can be a tricky, daunting and scary place to navigate, often with depressing news splashed across our screens on a daily basis.
The Focus aims to provide our readers with an upbeat and positive reading experience. We want to fill our pages with lively editorial about local news and articles of community interest and intrigue!
Do you have something in mind that you’d like to share with our estimated 40,000 monthly readers?
Read our submissions guidelines below and find out how to go about doing so.
Will I be charged?
We are frequently asked this question, so it’s a valid one. If you are sharing an article that in some way promotes a self-employed, sole trader, limited company or partnership then there will be a charge involved. Please look at our advertising prices to find out what type of advertising option will suit you best.
How will I know if you are going to include it or not?
Editorial decisions regarding inclusion into the magazine depends on a number of varying factors. We can’t give you a firm ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether it will definitely appear in print or not. If you want inclusion absolutely guaranteed, there is a cost involved. If, for whatever reason we cannot include your article in our print magazine, we may be able to publish it on our website.
How long should I make my article?
No longer than 500 words. This will fit into a full page. It may well be if we choose to print your article but we are tight for space, that we will ask you to reduce the word count so that we can fit it into the space available to us.
What else do I need to include?
Please include the name of the person or organisation we are to credit for editorial contribution. We would also love for you to include an image to go with the article. Please send this as a high-resolution jpeg attachment to your email. It should be free of copyright so that it can be reproduced. Focus Magazines accepts no liability for this.
Can I see the article before it goes to press?
We do not send proof layouts provided on a complimentary basis ahead of going to press.
Can I make changes to the article?
Minor editorial changes can be made up to and including our copy deadline date.
When do I need to send it to you by?
15th of the month, please
Can I submit an article regularly?
We try to give everyone a fair opportunity to have editorial submissions included in the magazines where possible. If you require content to be included on a regular basis, please speak to us about how this might be possible ahead of making your submission.