In coming week’s residents across Monmouthshire will receive a new glass recycling box.
Following the successful glass recycling trial of over 6,500 properties in 2016, households across Monmouthshire will soon receive a new recycling box for their glass bottles and jars. The glass recycling boxes will be collected fortnightly. From March 4th glass will no longer be accepted in recycling bags. Separating the glass into boxes will improve the quality and value of all recycling in the county.
For the majority of households, the glass boxes will be collected at the same time as household waste this is due to new vehicles which have a separate compartment for glass. Residents in rural areas will have their glass collected on smaller vehicles that can easily navigate the country lanes.
For some residents living in flats and sheltered housing, a communal wheeled bin may be provided for convenience. For elderly and disabled residents, boxes with handles can be provided for ease of carrying.
Monmouthshire’s glass will be sent to a reprocessing plant in Cwmbran then transported to be recycled into fibre glass, new glass bottles and concrete products.
Red and purple bags recycling will continue to be collected weekly. Food waste will also continue to be collected weekly. For most households, food waste and recycling will be collected at the same time but on new vehicles with separate compartments. Rural areas are likely to be serviced by smaller vehicles.
The new vehicles with separate compartments for materials will deliver better quality recycling and greater overall efficiencies. Collecting materials differently means that collection days will change from March 4th.
The first of two information leaflets, will be delivered with the new glass recycling box in the coming weeks and will contain an overview of the many ways residents can recycle.
The second information leaflet will contain details of the new collection days. Letters will be individually addressed and sent to households across the county.
Cllr Bryan Jones Cabinet Member for Operations said, “The new glass boxes will enable glass to be recycled over and over again and saves the planet’s finite resources. Residents have always risen to the challenge of increasing recycling when we introduce new services, and we are confident they will do so again. I hope that residents continue to recycle and embrace the changes ahead.”
The boxes and leaflet will be delivered throughout January and into early February. Residents are welcomed to contact the council if a box has not been received by 15th February via the My Monmouthshire App, visit a community hub or call 01633 644644.
Monmouthshire County Council
I still have my black box from before we used the bags! Can I use it to save in plastic please?