For a third year, we’re yarn bombing our beautiful town for the Close-Knit Community. That’s decorating it with wool, for the uninitiated!
To make this happen, we need help! If you can knit or crochet, will you contribute some squares? Any stitch works: 20 x 20cm (8”) in synthetic wool. We have a small supply of donated wool and suggested patterns. Or do you prefer sewing? We will be sewing all the squares together soon!
We meet at Emmeline’s Homebaking, Baker Street; each Wed 10- 12 and fortnightly on Thursday evenings, 7-9 (see the Focus calendar). The Wool Croft, Cross Street, is also setting up crafting evenings to support us.
If your group (crafting, social, WI, school, residential home?) would like to get involved and hear more, please get in touch. We can teach basic knitting and crochet skills.
01873 855 126