What better time than Remembrance Day to host an art exhibition and auction to raise funds for the Army Benevolent Fund, the Soldiers’ Charity?

A reduction linoprint titled – We Came Back – donated by local artist Lee Wright
Major General the Reverend Morgan Llewellyn will do just that with the support of the Oriel CRiC Gallery in Crickhowell. An exceptional selection of collectable art, including work by David Tress, Toby Ward, Robert Macdonald and many others will be on view on 11, 12 and 13 November culminating in an auction on the evening of the thirteenth. Limited space means that attendance is by invitation, but bids can be made in a variety of ways.

Morgan Llewellyn and Jan Morgan in the Oriel CRiC Gallery which will be the venue for the auction
Morgan Llewellyn explained, “There continues to be an urgent need for funds to meet the many needs of so many of our service men and women who have suffered frightful injuries in recent campaigns as well as those of their families. The Soldiers’ Charity has to cope with the desperate day-to-day plight of many tragic cases. The centenary of many of the fiercest battles of the First World War and the casualties suffered then makes these demands even more poignant.”
He added, “Our local MP Chris Davies has kindly agreed to conduct the auction himself. I would hope to raise a significant sum from the wonderful art generously donated by local as well as nationally renowned artists.”
Centre manager, Jan Morgan added, “As an organisation central to the community, CRiC feels honoured that our volunteers and gallery curator Suzette Pratten have had the opportunity to work alongside Morgan to support this worthwhile cause. We realise that the servicemen and women who have suffered in the recent conflicts in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other parts of the world include many from Wales and the Border Counties. We hope this will be hugely successful fundraiser for the Charity as help is often provided with the everyday things which can be life-changing to the beneficiaries and would like to extend an open invitation to local residents to visit the gallery during the 3 day viewing period.”
If you would like further information on the exhibition or how to place bids please email auctionadmin@visitcrickhowell.co.uk or telephone 01873 813669