Castle Meadows will play host to the National Eisteddfod, which comes to our town in 2016. The festival celebrates Wales’ culture of poetry, music and dance and attracts 160,000 visitors every year. The last time the festival was held in Monmouthshire was over 100 years ago, in 1913.
Organisers of the festival predict that Monmouthshire will take between £6-£8 million in revenue for the week-long festivities, which will take place between 31st July and 6th August.
Last month, members of the public were invited to attend an open meeting to meet the organisers of the festival and to find out how to get involved. Council representatives, conservative MP David Davies, and the president of the Eisteddfod, Garry Nicholas were in attendance as well as 200 members of the public.
Committees are due to be set up comprised of volunteers to cover each of the Eisteddfod’s subject areas. The next meeting will take place on 17th September at Caldicot School during which officers will be elected for each committee.
Hello, good to hear planning is ongoing! I sang in the Eisteddford choir at Ebbw Vale in 2014 and would love to sing again in the 2016 Eisteddford Choir and look forward to hearing details about rehearsals and future planning. My husband is also offering his services as a steward! Regards Wendy Williams
Hello, good to hear planning is well on the way for the 2016 National Eisteddford in Abergavenny. I sang in the choir at Ebbw Vale in 2010 and would dearly love to sing again in the 2016 choir. My husband is willing to be a Steward if required, so we both look forward to hearing about future rehearsals and planning details. Regards Wendy Williams