A grass roots movement based on growing fruit, herbs and vegetables in public spaces is gathering momentum in Abergavenny. Inspired by the example of Incredible Edible Todmorden, which has revolutionised the food culture of that Pennine town, Incredible Edible Abergavenny (in Welsh: Bwyd Bendigedig y Fenni) aims to inspire the people of Abergavenny to embrace growing their own food.
Over the next few months raised vegetable beds, herb gardens and fruit trees will be appearing in an open space or public area near you!
The aim of Incredible Edible Abergavenny is to involve as many people as possible in growing food in a way that makes it accessible to anyone. We grow and campaign for local food. We’re all working together for the well-being of our planet and ourselves.
It all began with the planting of the Abergavenny Community Orchard just a year ago. Our aim is to spread the word about growing food locally. We are passionate about reducing our impact on the environment. We aim to involve everyone, young and old, in growing food in an environmentally beneficial way. Caring for the planet should be fundamental to our day to day activities.
In early March, Transition Town Abergavenny held the annual Seedy Sunday event. Many people visited the Incredible Edible Abergavenny stall and took away seed to grow for the I E Abergavenny project. We look forward to seeing many of the herbs, fruit and vegetables produced from this activity appearing around the town during the spring and summer.
If you would like to be part of this growing revolution you can contact Incredible Edible Abergavenny by e-mail : ieabergavenny@gmail.com or follow @IEAbergavenny on Twitter or Incredible Edible Abergavenny on Facebook. The group intends to meet on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of the month; dates and times to be confirmed by email/twitter/facebook