Once again this year Abergavenny Neighbourhood Policing Team will be out and about giving crime prevention advice to residents in the run-up to Christmas. This year’s campaign will centre around a Christmas safety message on a bauble supplied by one of the world’s biggest manufacturers and suppliers of Christmas decorations, Festive Productions of Cwmbran.

Chief Constable Jeff Farrar signing an agreement to work together with Ian Newton, Chief executive of Festive productions.
The baubles carry the message, ‘Keep Safe this Christmas’ and are designed to be a permanent reminder of a promise residents are being asked to make to do as much as they can to reduce the risk of crime affecting them. The promise is in the shape of a ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ leaflet which will be distributed with the bauble (strictly one per household!) at Christmas fairs and related events.
Chief Constable Jeff Farrar said he was delighted a local company had come on board to back the annual campaign: “Our business partnerships show that we are working with many different organisations locally to get crime prevention messages across in innovative and creative ways.
“The best way of tackling crime is preventing it happening in the first place. Hopefully this campaign, which began in earnest on November 25th, will result in more people thinking about simple crime prevention measures they can put in place to help them enjoy a safe a peaceful Christmas.”
The Festive Christmas shop in Cwmbran, which opened two weeks ago, will be hosting one of the force’s five mobile police stations on the Sundays leading up to Christmas. Each of the stations will be decorated by Festive for the Christmas season.
Ian Newton, Chief executive of Festive Productions said: “We take our responsibility as a local employer and retailer very seriously indeed. We want people to have a Christmas that’s happy, safe, and sparkling. We applaud Gwent police for thinking outside the box and bringing crime prevention to the public in such an engaging way.”
Community Support Officers (CSOs) will lead the Christmas engagement programme, and will be attending all kinds of Christmas events in the area.
Chief Constable Jeff Farrar concluded: “It’s really important that everyone takes responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of their property in the run up to Christmas. We know it’s an exciting time, but we want to remind residents that simple crime prevention measures can make a big difference.
“For example when shopping keeping any presents safely hidden in the boot, and not loose on the back seat where they might attract a thief’s attention.
“Another important message is to know your limit when drinking. It’s simple, common sense advice, but you’d be surprised how often people forget as they get caught up in the business of shopping or the fun of going out.”