The weather has turned truly Autumnal and we are in that familiar and lovely time of year when the mornings and evenings can be chilly while daytime, if sunny, can still be very summery.
Strangely, now is a fantastic time to sow grass seed, as the ground is still warm enough from the summer and there is usually plenty of rain! However be careful when the frosts do eventually come as it will not grow as well and may not at all in exposed areas.
October is also a very good time to plant flower bulbs. Naturalising bulbs is a great way to brighten up lawns, verges and wildflower areas in spring. In areas of grass, choose bulbs that complete their growing and flowering early, such as crocus. Most daffodils also do well in grass, but leave at least six weeks after flowering before mowing, and ideally leave until foliage goes yellow and straw-like.
When planting bulbs for naturalising, scatter them randomly over the chosen area and plant them where they fall. As these bulbs will be in place for several years, check that the bulbs are not very close to each other as overcrowding will reduce flowering.
Dig planting holes with a trowel or, in grassed areas, use a bulb planter. The holes need to be about three times the depth of the bulb, as shallow planting tends to weaken the bulbs because they are more prone to drying out. There aren’t many problems to watch out for, apart from checking that the bulbs are healthy to start with and discarding any that are soft or show signs of rot.
Spring this year was a struggle for gardeners as the whole country was so cold for so long. When spring finally came, though, the bulbs were better than ever, there to force us out of hibernation and any post-winter gloom. That’s what spring bulbs do – from snowdrops and miniature iris in January and February to tulips and alliums in May and June, they give you the best flowers, with marvellous drifts of colour which are so easy to achieve. Mixes of lights and dark colours are very popular this year. For example, for a ‘bruised effect’ border try mixing Negrita Queen of Night tulips with Hyacinth Woodstock for a dramatic effect.
As a last note, for you decorators, we accept the discount vouchers (from Country Homes & Interiors magazine) for 15% off Little Greene Paints and Wallpapers which is valid until October 29th… Just bring in the vouchers! Oh, and Happy Halloween!