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Tonight, one in eight people in the world will go to bed hungry. Most probably you will not be one of them, because you are one of the lucky ones.

What would it feel like to be one of the unlucky ones? Come along to the Rich man, Poor man meal being organised by the Abergavenny Zimele group and you might find out. Half of those attending will get a rich man’s meal, in this case delicious meat or veggie burgers in home-made rolls with all the trimmings, but the other half will only be given a poor man’s meal: a very basic sandwich. It’s pure chance which meal you’ll get. Unfair? Yes, it’s unfair and it’ll get you thinking, and talking. That’s the idea. The event is part of the IF campaign, which is all about ending hunger, both in this country and round the world.

The Rich man, Poor man meal is at lunchtime on Saturday 13th July in the Mardy Hall in Abergavenny. It’s a family event, and all young children attending will get a healthy lunch box. Teenagers can take part in the lottery for food if they wish (and have approval from a parent).Numbers are limited so if you’re interested in coming along contact Cath Barton on or tel: 01873 737671.

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