After a desperately cold winter, Gilwern Bowling Club feared that their opening day on Saturday April 13th would have to be postponed. Thankfully, the weather relented a little and the sterling efforts of our groundsmen produced a playable green.

Cllr Simon Howarth bowls the season’s first wood
The cold dry period was replaced by a rainy, blustery Saturday but an intrepid core of hardy bowlers – both ladies and men – turned up to welcome our new President Councillor, Simon Howarth, who bowled the first wood of the season – and to take part in our traditional opening day nearest the jack competition. The circle formed around the green and after much jostling for position the dropping of the white flag (handkerchief) by Mr Colin Clifford our Vice Chairman, signalled the bowling of the cannonade towards the jack from every direction.
After banging and clattering of lignite, the wood closest to the jack was found to be that of Lyle Vaughan our fixture secretary who, after absolutely no pressure at all (!), immediately donated his prize of a bottle of wine for the next club raffle. Any further thoughts of bowling were abandoned to the weather and we all moved inside for a nice hot cup of tea with everyone looking forward to summer and a great season of bowls.
Gilwern Bowls Club celebrates its 20th year next year and we are always pleased to give a warm welcome to new members.
Come along to Monday practice sessions, afternoons for ladies and evenings for men. For further information contact Jean Rosser:
01873 811311.