Focus Magazines The local magazines for Abergavenny, Crickhowell, Brecon & Talgarth – Events, News and Advertising
Zimele means ‘to stand on your own feet’ in Zulu. This sums up our ethos. Through training and mentoring we encourage women in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, to start their own businesses and community projects. Zimele’s Self-Help Groups empower people to lift themselves out of poverty.
Some of the intrepid Sugarloaf walkers

Some of the intrepid Sugarloaf walkers

What does this mean to us in Abergavenny? Let’s look at what Zimele stands for!

Z for the zeal that has been shown by everyone involved with Zimele, in the UK and South Africa. We owe a huge thank-you to our supporters, volunteers and trustees; without your generosity, Zimele wouldn’t exist.

I is for the initiative shown locally. Supporters have held many imaginative and fun events in 2012. The ‘Swish’ in May was a fantastic community evening of fashion and flair. We all loved the scrumptious cakes and elegant dancing at the Tea Dance in July. Thanks to the expert judging of The Focus’s Hannah Hill, the cake bake-off remained a friendly affair. We raised enough money to send four women to train as pre-school teachers. These teachers will provide the foundations for South African children of the future to stand on their own feet!

M for Mountain! The views from the Sugar Loaf were magnificent in June when toddlers led family members on a sponsored walk and were rewarded with edible medals from St Mary’s Bakery. At the start of 2012 our fundraising target felt like an unassailable mountain but with generous support this event raised over £800!

E is for the enterprises created by the women in South Africa. From corner shops to B&Bs, from farming to hairdressing, with Zimele’s help they are following their dreams and becoming more financially secure. Over 100 women are part of a craft co-op. We sell the beaded and embroidered craft made by them at local markets and at St Michael’s Centre. Each sale supports the crafter in South Africa to earn a fair living, and adds to our fundraising here.

Pre-school teacher training

Pre-school teacher training

L is for Learning. For us in Abergavenny, about a community that few will see for themselves. For the women in South Africa, it could be about pre-school training, access to computer skills training in the centre we helped to fund, or simply learning to read and write.

This leads us on to our final E for Exciting! The Big Give Christmas Challenge is an exciting opportunity to double your money. Between Thursday 6th and Wed 19th December any donation you make will be matched by The Big Give. Every £1 will make a difference. Join us to play a role in the lives of women in KwaZulu Natal.
To find out more, ‘like’ our Facebook page or email us at

Article by Rebecca Hands

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