Despite the name Foodbank, you can neither deposit a bacon sandwich nor withdraw a chicken tikka masala.
Food Banks are valuable initiatives that are spreading throughout the UK and beyond. They have been set up to help anyone in genuine need. We are part of the Trussell Trust networlk of Foodbanks. Currently there are over 190 Trussel Trust foodbanks in the UK and this is likely to increase. Abergavenny Food Bank will be the first Trussel Trust Foodbank in Monmouthshire and the twentieth in Wales.
How the foodbank works:
Food is donated at various collection points around the town. It is sorted & recorded by volunteers and stored in our central office.
Abergavenny Foodbank will partner with front-line care professionals, such as Social Services, Health visitors and doctors, who identify people in crisis and give them a Foodbank voucher
The voucher is then taken to the food bank and in return people will be given enough nutritionally balanced food to last for 3 days.
In this time of financial instability, lack of Job security and when money is being stretched to its max, any one could find themselves with a gap when there is no money to feed the family.
If you were in crisis – where would you turn?
Many of us have friends and family to turn to when the going gets tough, but what if your family could no longer help and you had nowhere else to go? What if the kids were hungry, the cupboards bare and you’re not sure where the next meal is coming from?
That’s where Abergavenny Foodbank will be able to help. By providing people with food and support when they need it most – helping to avert greater disaster and greater poverty.
If you can help, just one tin a week will make so much difference to a family in crises.
It’s not rocket science – but it works!
Working together we can make Abergavenny a town that does not ignore those in need, a town that cares.
For further information call our Foodbank co-ordinator Kathy on 07534318670 or Visit our web site or visit us in person at Abergavenny Foodbank, Central Chambers Lion Street Abergavenny- donations can be given here, we are open on Tuesdays between 4.00pm-5.00pm & Wednesdays 10.30am-12.30pm.