Focus Magazines The local magazines for Abergavenny, Crickhowell, Brecon & Talgarth – Events, News and Advertising

Dear Readers,

Everything is Golden in the theme for this month’s magazine, but with our neighbouring counties going into lockdown (at time of press) and the infection rate rising, you’d be forgiven for feeling a little bit grey as opposed to golden at the moment.

What we hope to do here at the Focus, however, is to bring positivity into your life each month through the medium of local stories and connection to local businesses. We hope that in doing so, we can turn your grey into gold for a little while at least!

It’s Autumn now and there’s a definite chill in the air. If you look out of your window, you’ll see the turning of the seasons – leaves going from their bright acid green of summer to richer hues of russet and gold. Yes, everything really is turning golden if you take notice and look closely!

We are, of course, showcasing our advertising businesses this month who, we think, always offer a gold standard of product or service to their customers. You’ll see that our front cover is occupied this month by the new Abergavenny based Anatolian Restaurant – their restaurant literally brims with golden touches and flourishes, and you can read more about them on page 14. We also have a walk for you to enjoy in the Dyffryn Crawnon Valley (page 18) where you’ll be sure to encounter nature in all its autumnal beauty. Being outside really does matter at the moment, and there are a couple of local gardens participating in open gardens this month – a real chance to enjoy some autumn colour. Read more about that on Page 22.

Dr Giles Croft is offering up golden nuggets of wisdom to help us make sense of the world on Page 27, and, continuing the golden theme, there’s been some good news for Crickhowell & District Players who have won a panto award for last year’s performance….GOLDilocks!

There’s lots more to enjoy throughout the magazine and I very much hope it will bring some golden sunshine your way as you leaf through it.

Please stay safe



South Powys Focus October 2020

Please support our local businesses

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