Stretching those aching, weary limbs on 1st January can be a test for the best of us. With the lighter nights still a few months away, the motivation to pull on some lycra and embark on the New Year resolution that we’ve promised ourselves will come once the frivolities of December are over.
The challenge for many of us is finding a group that offers us the 3 F’s (fitness, fun and friends) that holds our interest long after the resolution has faded.
In 2013 Mike Hill and his team of devoted committee members started Y Fenni Triathlon, extoling the virtues of swimming, cycling and running in the Black Mountains and beyond. Sharing the joy that is ‘Triathlon’ and arranging sessions locally that offered training, development and camaraderie to those who attended. Those early days attracted a handful of regular members. Roll on 6 years and we now have almost 60 people turning up to our sessions…in all-weathers too.
We’re often asked why we embark on this road. What makes us take up three sports when one would be so much easier? How do you find the time to fit it all in? Some would say you need dedication, drive and determination. We all have them in varying degrees, but a little bit of madness definitely helps. The things which keep us returning week after week are the people, the community, friends, and those individuals that have made our journey in Triathlon easier by being supportive and encouraging when things are tough. We are not all Olympic athletes, but we still feel that way when crossing the line, when we know we’ve prepared and succeeded. That’s the thing with Triathlon, it’s not a race, it’s about setting your own personal goal over three disciplines and doing your best.
At Y Fenni Triathlon our goal is to make the sport of triathlon accessible to all levels of athlete and have fun along the way. If you’re interested in exploring the sport further please contact us on:
Zoe Anderson