On Primrose Hill by Ellie Ling
Traditionally a time for resolutions, the New Year also brings with it an air of anticipation in Crickhowell. The popular Crickhowell Walking Festival (7 – 15 March) is just one of the CRiC initiatives that encourage visitors to explore the area. With a dynamic programme planned for 2020, the Centre continues to add to the rural vibrancy of the area.
Centre Manager, Jan Morgan said, “With the New Year Show showcasing wonderful art and craftsmanship in the oriel CRiC gallery and the Walking Festival celebrating the natural beauty of the area, this is certainly setting the tone for another exciting and successful year”.
Suzette Pratten added, “Artists from a wide range of disciplines, including contemporary fine art, ceramics, glass, jewellery, textiles and sculpture have contributed to an exceptional New Year exhibition in the oriel CRiC gallery. It will include the work of artists whose work celebrates landscapes in many guises – both real and imagined.
Tim Rossiter, Ellie Ling, Kay Leverton, Martin Truefitt Baker, Louise Collis and Louella Gwillim are all gallery favourites contributing to an uplifting and inspiring start to 2020. The gallery’s programme will once again include an Open Art competition resulting in an exhibition of selected work during the Crickhowell Open Studios weekend which annually takes place during the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. This has certainly become one of our annual highlights.”
CRiC and the gallery remain a great destination in its own right and the perfect place to start off exploring Crickhowell.
Crickhowell Resource & Information Centre, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell, NP8 1 BN Mon – Sat 10am – 5pm Sun 10am – 1.30pm
Suzette Pratten