A new way for men to pursue their interests, develop new ones, belong to a unique group, feel useful, fulfilled and a sense of belonging…The Men’s Sheds movement has arrived in Abergavenny.
High numbers of men have time on their hands due to retirement, unemployment, illness, bereavement etc. The Men’s Shed movement is based on the understanding that men are more likely to help themselves and attend something they have set up or have some control over. While some men may struggle to talk face to face, they will talk ‘shoulder to shoulder’ when engaged in some activity or shared task.
Abergavenny Men’s Shed is based at the Community Centre in Park Street. They are self governed, self supported and sustainable with a small committee; their own individual constitution, their own income and own premises.
This is like ‘the shed at the bottom of the garden’ but its a community workspace where men do practical projects of their own choosing and at their own pace. The ‘Shedders’ are DIY enthusiasts, jewellery makers, restorers, collectors and gardeners. Anyone is welcome and any interest, skill or project is given equal consideration, especially if it could attract new members or gain valuable income to support the development of the group.
The Abergavenny Men’s Shed members meet at Abergavenny Community Centre, Park Street, Abergavenny from 12:00noon every Monday. So come on men! Come join the community; join the Men’s Shed!
Tel 07751 666481
As a founder member of Men’s Sheds in Abergavenny, I feel we have used the gift of the Portakabin from Alun Griffiths Contractors to great advantage, making our skills match the tasks in hand – refitting and decorating our shed for those prime crafts of metalwork and woodwork (resilient materials).
“Many can do what a man alone cannot.” – Anonymous –
After having major spinal surgery l no longer can carry on with my own business l am very limited to what l can do but still looking for something to do l wonder if you can help
Need to find something to do. Very limited due to health issues.
Hi I am an engineer who is contemplating downsizing and would like to talk to the leader of the Man Shed with a view to helping with a lot of machinery etc in the future. I plan to dismantle my workshop but would like to have access to machinery for occasional use. I can teach others to use it all.
Call me on 0776977690 or email me on jack.tait@btconnect.com