Next time you go for a stroll, walk your dog, or take your kids out for a play in Bailey Park, spare a thought for those members of our community who are working hard to keep it looking great.
The Friends of Bailey Park is a group that was established three years ago. Its members are passionate about their park, and are committed to working towards restoring it to its former glory. Together with the town Council, their aim is to create a park that we can all be proud of.
The Friends hold fund raising events throughout the year to improve the park’s facilities and appearance. Last year saw two very successful car boot sales along with table-top sales at various locations all with an aim of raising funds for different park projects. Through their fund-raising activities, the Friends of Bailey Park have been able to purchase picnic tables and benches, plants for the Rose Garden as well as an oak tree in remembrance of rugby player, Lewis Smith, who trained and played rugby in the park. The Friends were also actively involved in the choice of equipment for the new play area which, since installation, has proved to be a resounding success with visitors.
Keeping the park in tip-top condition and protected from vandalism, litter and dog mess is a subject close to The Friends of Bailey Park’s heart. They work in close collaboration with the police and youth workers to address the issues of anti-social behaviour and vandalism, striving hard to promote the park as an asset to be enjoyed rather than abused.
The Friends of Bailey Park have plans for many activities throughout 2012, which will continue to raise funds for a multi-games area on the old tennis court and an extension to the play area with equipment suitable for older children. Bailey Park is a delightful asset to our town, which ought to be protected and handed on to future generations. Please help to preserve our park by supporting The Friends, or by getting involved in future activities and events.
For further information please contact Ruth Powell – 01873 268256
hi could you tell me please if there will be any car boots at baily park this year if so when
Hi Niccie,
I suggest you contact Ruth Powell of ‘Friends of Bailey’ Park on 01873 268256
Hi can you tell me how long the path of the park is please
If you walk around the perimeter of the park, it’s just over half a mile. FOr more information contact Ruth Powell of ‘Friends of Bailey’ Park on 01873 268256